The floating-back syndrome in a public toilet




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Surprises are not only viewed as the spice of life but the source of knowledge. Most people are happy to welcome surprises, I mean pleasant surprises. Have you ever experienced a surprise birthday party? Or, a surprise gift from your partner? We are likely to be taken aback or left speechless in the face of pleasant surprise. Now, shock is considered a synonym of surprise.

Using this within the context of a toilet may signify an unpleasant experience. This is not to suggest we can’t be shocked or surprised by a clean and sweet-smelling public toilet facility. Individuals are most likely shocked by an ugly toilet scenario. We’ve touched on a few in previous articles such as urine flood and poor toilet lock. These examples can cause some shock or surprise to our system. Walking towards the toilet bowl could cause some worry and unrest for some toilet users. The thought of not knowing what to expect can be nerve-wracking and this is heightened when the toilet seat cover is down. 

A year ago, we wrote on how to deal with the toilet walk of shame. This is when you fail to flush due to an oversight or a bad habit. Being called out by the subsequent user can bring about some degree of embarrassment or shame that robs us of some personal pride. We will now explore the floating-back syndrome and some simple tips in preventing this from escalating into a walk of shame.

The floating-back syndrome:

Sometimes, our faeces can summersault, float back or resurface. Have you ever experienced this situation in life? You flush and pay a look to ascertain everything’s gone down the drain. You then give it a final look and realise your poop is like a professional diver resurfacing after a few seconds of water pressure and splash. 


Common causes of the floating back syndrome:

!) The nature of our poop: Poops can come in different structures, texture and colour. A lot of the time the nature of our poop is determined by what we consume. For example, a diet that is high in fat can contribute to poop that’s stickier than normal. The excess fat we consume beyond our body requirements is included in our stool and makes it stickier and thicker. 

2) Power of the flush: Some toilets have a weak flush and are likely to experience the floating-back syndrome more often. In these scenarios, the nature of the stool will not solely be the contributory factor but the quality of the flush as well. 

3) Excessive use of toilet paper: In our drive for a thorough wipe, we may go overboard with the amount of toilet paper used at a given time. When this happens, our human waste is usually wrapped in the toilet paper and makes it slightly challenging for a complete flush at the first attempt. After a flush, the toilet paper may disintegrate and dissipate into the drainage system, leaving behind a resilient poop resurfacing into the bowl. 

The best way to prevent the floating-back syndrome from becoming an issue for the succeeding user is to ensure you check and flush again to ensure a thorough job is achieved. 

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